What is the Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks?
The Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks ranks your emotions from low to high on a 22-step scale.
Abraham Hicks developed the Emotional Guidance Scale to teach ways of improving our feelings.
Esther Hicks’ belief is that to manifest positive things in life, we need to feel good as much as possible. Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration emphasize on positive emotions, so it’s crucial to learn how to feel better, step by step.
The Emotional Scale System by Abraham Hicks
Abraham Hicks’ emotional scale system works with an easy to understand vertical structure. In order to learn how to climb up the scale, you are encouraged to monitor your emotions. Then, you can take steps to feel better, one or two steps on the emotional scale at a time.
Of course, there are other Emotional Scale systems out there using different clusters of emotions and terminology,representing emotions from low to high. In contrast to the emotional scale by Abraham Hicks, some systems use a horizontal axis too. Some also don’t rank feelings from low to high (high vibration vs. low vibration), but rather as emotions in quadrants.
What Is the Purpose of the Emotional Guidance Scale
The Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks helps you both understand how you feel, and take actions to feel better. The former is important, because we often don’t realize how we actually feel. So the Emotional Guidance Scale would help us name our emotions and then improve them.
List of Emotions in The Emotional Guidance Scale
The following is the complete list of emotions in the Emotional Guidance Scale, ranging from 1 to 22, high vibration to low vibration:
- Joy/Appreciation/Empowerment/Freedom/Love
- Passion
- Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
- Positive Expectation/Belief
- Optimism
- Hopefulness
- Contentment (from here the spiral goes up)
- Boredom
- Pessimism
- Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
- Overwhelment (feeling overwhelmed)
- Disappointment
- Doubt
- Worry
- Blame
- Discouragement
- Anger
- Revenge
- Hatred/Rage
- Jealousy
- Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
- Fear/Grief/Desperation/Despair/Powerlessness
Shop the Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks as printable artwork.

My first Printable Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks, representing the emotions scale as a ribbon from low vibrations to high vibrations.
Emotional Vibration Scale: High Vibration vs. Low Vibration
So Abraham Hicks channeled through Esther Hicks states that emotions are in essence frequencies of vibrations. Therefore we emit them every day by means of feeling in certain ways. The emotional vibration scale shows that emotions like Fear and Anger emit lower frequencies of vibration, while Optimism, Passion and Joy – higher vibes. Given these points, the Emotional Vibration Scale by Abraham Hicks ranks your emotions and determines which are high vibration and which are low vibration.
This implies that there are “bad”/negative emotions, and there are good/positive ones. It also implies that you have a goal to climb up the ladder, so to speak – go up the emotions scale to a better feeling emotion. If a path towards recovery involves feeling better and better, your EGS is a system that guides you like a compass to feel better and better, while constantly assessing where you’re at.
Emotional Frequency Chart
In addition, the Emotional Scale by Abraham Hicks is in essence an emotional frequency chart, showing the vibrating emotions. Because of the fact that you have to climb it, the Emotional Guidance Scale has been represented as both a ladder, and a spiral. In my illustrations, including my recent physical Emotional Scale, Abraham poster and my printable art, I prefer the spiral of vibration. I imagine the frequencies of vibration of the emotions swirling through the spiral.
Emotional Guidance Scale – How to Use
So as it follows, first we access our emotions according to the Scale. As they say, name it to tame it.
This is the first step towards getting better understanding of our feelings – knowing exactly how you feel. The scale helps with categorizing our emotions in 22 positions from low to high vibration.
Then, there’s a second step. We make a consious decision to move up the scale – that is, move up the vibrational ladder towards better feeling emotions. This is in fact the essence of Law of Vibration, according to Abraham Hicks – being able to feel better. Esther Hicks’s teachings call that “raising your vibration”.
Why Track Your Emotions with an Emotional Guidance Scale
Understanding your emotions and being able to define your current feelings is an important component of self awareness, which is in turn key to good mental health. Our emotions play a huge role in everyday life, so much so that we often make decisions based on emotions alone, rather than reason. Being conscious about our feelings by tracking them makes us more aware of our inner motives and creates a sense of responsibility in our persona – we begin to take back our lives. When using emotion trackers and emotional guidance scales, there’s a tendency towards taking responsibility and gaining back control. Eventually we no longer blame others for how we feel. We begin to understand the reasons behind our actions, instead of acting impulsively.
Consequently we can also use the scale to work with tools like the Ultimate Abraham Hicks Processes Bundle Journal Pages, which rely on our current emotional state. For example, being in lower frequency of emotions will make some of the Abraham Hicks journal exercises in the Abraham Hicks Processes Bundle unusable and even counterproductive.
Knowing Which Emotions Are Below and Which – Above in the Emotions Scale
In essence, tools like my Printable Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale derive their usefulness in two directions. On one hand, say you’re working on your emotional state by observing an emotion, i.e. with a meditative technique. Quickly you realize there’s another emotion beneath your current emotion, and you begin observing that one too. Knowing the scale of emotions would be particularly helpful in understanding which deeper feelings lay beneath surface feelings.
On the other hand, let’s assume you’re doing the work of climbing up the emotions ladder, so to speak. Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale guides you through the process by showing you which [categories of] emotions are above your current ones.
Overall in both cases you know what to expect, that is, which emotion to expect to show up.
Benefits of Tracking Your Emotions With an Emotional Guidance Scale
Working with the 22-step Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks has three main benefits:
- defining how we feel
- understanding your emotions
- climbing up the ladder of emotions
We will discuss each individually.
What Does the Emotional Guidance Scale Do?
The Emotional Guidance Scale helps you in your journey towards self-awareness where you’re better equipped to define, understand and change your emotions. In other words:
- Defining your emotions means training your mind to be aware of how you feel. For some people this is no easy task, as the mind has been so conditioned to suppress and repress emotions, that we no longer
- Understanding your emotions is putting in the extra work to realise what is beneath certain emotions. Sometimes we feel how we feel, or so we think – that is, until we look inside. By being self-aware and inspecting our emotions we may realise there’s another type of feeling beneath the initial one. What’s more there may be even other emotions beneath the second layer of feelings. For example, we may feel sadness about a partner leaving for a trip until we look inside the emotion of sadness to realise we actually feel fear about the relationship taking a wrong turn. Therefore we can’t be sure how we feel if we don’t practice self-awareness.
- Climbing up the Emotional Guidance Scale ladder is the conscious attempt at feeling better than we currently feel, one step at a time. The Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks is based on the teachings with the same name that put emphasis on the emotions themselves. In other words, feeling better is the goal, period. Straightaway you are encouraged to work towards feeling a better, higher vibration emotion for the purpose of emitting a higher vibration. In doing so you also implement a habit of feeling cheerful in difficult circumstances, as well as neutral times. The benefits of this approach in life are numerous.
Emotional Guidance Scale Pictures by CasuallyLuxe
Below are some of my Emotional Guidance Scale pictures for digital download. There’s also physical prints available in the shop.
Defining Emotions With the Emotional Guidance Scale
Consistent practice with the Emotional Guidance Scale definitely results in a quicker ability to inspect and define emotions. Society nowadays has a tendency to block or suppress expression of emotions – it isn’t socially acceptable to say how you feel, and children are taught to suppress and ignore their feelings. As a result, we grow with an inability to define exactly how we feel. One very grim side effect of that is that later in life we tend to lack the ability of finding out emotions beneath other emotions, because we can’t define the former properly. Emotional guidance scales work by putting clear labels on common emotions. By doing so we are able to quickly check if a label matches our understanding of our feelings, so we can determine where exactly we’re at. Subsequently we gain the ability to understand emotions beneath current emotions, which are usually lower on the scale.
Joy, Love, and Appreciation
By using this scale to become more familiar with our emotional states and focusing on moving towards more positive emotions like joy, love, and appreciation, we can improve our overall well-being and attract more positivity into our lives. According to the Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale, positive emotions like love and appreciation vibrate at a higher frequency, making them powerful tools for attracting positivity into our lives.
Abraham Hicks call this “raising your vibration“. By focusing on these emotions and taking steps to cultivate them, we can raise our vibration and create a more fulfilling life.
Fear & Anger in the Bottom Range of Emotions
So naturally, according to this framework, emotions that are considered low on the scale, such as fear, anger, frustration, and resentment, vibrate at a lower frequency than positive emotions. This means that when we experience these emotions, we are more likely to attract negative experiences into our lives. Working with the Emotions scale by Abraham Hicks would help you climb the ladder to higher vibration.
So if you’re struggling with anger or other low vibration emotions, the Abraham Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale can be a powerful tool to help you move towards a more positive emotional state and create a more fulfilling life.
By becoming aware of our emotional state and taking steps to move towards more positive emotions, like hopefulness and optimism, we can raise our vibration and attract more positivity into our lives.
Transitional Emotions in the Emotional Guidance Scale
Transitional emotions in the Emotional Guidance Scale refer to the emotions that bridge the gap between negative and positive emotions. These emotions include hopefulness, optimism, and contentment, among others. They are considered transitional because they can help us move from lower vibration emotions towards higher vibration emotions. So by focusing on these emotions, we can gradually shift our emotional state towards positivity and attract more positive experiences into our lives.
Emotions as Vibrations According to the Law of Vibration
Even though there are many different systems in the single-axis emotions scales realm, most of them assume emotions are part of the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration is all about the frequencies we emit in the world by the power of our thoughts. Abraham Hicks teaches that our emotions emit strong frequencies of vibration that resonate with the Universe and create our reality. In other words, frequencies of emotion vibrate from us onto the world and create our lives. Consequently, we stumble upon our creations and react to them with more emotions, thus vibrating more and more the same situations and circumstances.
What Is the Purpose of the Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks
Thus, the purpose of the EGS is to be used as a tool for mental health self-therapy where we train ourselves to emit higher vibration of emotions. By feeling better emotions, we emit higher frequencies which change our world for the better. Living better lives with better circumstances makes us react less to negative environments and people, so we generally feel better. Feeling better means we emit higher vibration. And so on.
What Is the Highest Emotional Vibration
The highest emotional vibration is Joy aka Appreciation aka Empowerment Freedom aka Love.
What Is the Lowest Emotion You Can Vibrate?
The lowest emotional vibration according to Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale is Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair / Powerlessness.

How to Use an Emotional Guidance Scale to Get to a Higher Vibration
According to Abraham Hicks, using an Emotional Guidance Scale may take you to a higher vibration. In general, most emotion trackers basically help you in two ways and two directions:
- Name the emotions you experience
- Figure out a way to feel "better" emotions by "surrendering" them for example (methods vary)
While methods and terminology for both points differ between teachings and schools of thoughts, Abraham's Emotional Guidance Scale works in a similar fashion. Except that authors call the second point "raising your vibration" and have a slightly unconventional approach to naming and sorting feelings. That is to say, I don't think there is a conventional approach to this matter, as the subject is quite new in human history.
Naming Your Emotions is Key
Describing the emotions you experience is an important task, because it involves self-examinations. Most of us spend our lives unaware of much of the emotions we experience. To make it worse, some of our feelings cover up other, deeper feelings beneath them, which makes them even more difficult to tackle.
The utility of the Emotional Guidance Scale is in that it names common emotions and sorts them in a ladder-like chart. Then you can (hopefully) easily point which level you're at, instead of having no reference point to begin with.
Emotional Guidance Scale Pictures are Illustrated to Represent the Vibrations
Another key point is that the printable Abraham Hicks emotional guidance scale pictures are usually illustrated in a way that easily conveys the position of a given emotion. Perhaps my latest Emotional Guidance set point chart with spiral-like swirl of frequencies does this job better. If you're at the top, you're at high frequencies of vibration; if your emotions are at the thinnest part of the spiral, you're in the neutral part of the scale.
More Printable PDFs and Tools for Manifesting Meditations and Self-Awareness
See Casually Luxe on Etsy for Printable journal PDFs and digital wall art for self-awareness and manifesting techniques.