About Casually Luxe: Fun Law of Vibration Worksheets and Art
I Design Printable Journal Pages & Inspirational Prints for Your Self-Therapy Journeys
Welcome to Casually Luxe. Here you will find more about my hand-crafted and carefully designed fun Law of Vibration worksheets, Abraham Hicks printable art, LOA workbooks and affirmational prints for success!
My name is Elena and I strive to give you the best art and journals from the Law of Frequency and self-therapy journaling methods out there, with great illustrations at that. At the present time this is a blog about my artworks and printable worksheets on my Etsy Casually Luxe shop.
Casually Luxe’s shop emerged as a resource for printable Law of Vibration art for raising your vibration in accordance with the Abraham Hicks’ teachings. However nowadays the shop has been expanding to include more universal law of vibration prints stemming from a variety of teachings and systems. Including, but not limited to, self-improvement and growth mindset systems, feng shui for success, manifesting methods, etc.
As much as I like designing Law of Vibration printable artworks and dabbling into LOA methods such as the Abraham Hicks journaling techniques, I love exploring contemporary psychotherapy methods. In particular, types of self-therapy for personal improvement and self-induced growth mindset that can be performed individually, without necessarily the help of a therapist (although of course good therapists are always a huge plus).
I believe it is our duty to live the best life we imagine we can, and everyone who has the spark of interest in improving their Self (with a capital S in accordance with IFS among a few) must have access to well-designed resources. Self-development can be a fun and creative endeavor.
Thus, here you may find well-crafted fun mental health worksheets for different types of therapies such as Transgenerational Trauma Therapy or the Design Thinking worksheets. And perhaps in the future – printable resources about IFS therapy and attachment theory-based techniques.
In addition, find on the Casually Luxe shop a selection of Abraham Hicks gifts like Abraham-inspired mugs, Abraham Hicks t-shirts, journal stickers for manifesting and jewelry with high frequency vibes.
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CasuallyLuxe — Design Services for Coaches and Therapists
How Can I Be of Help?
We're all on the journey to self improvement and self-discovery. If you're looking for a fun mental health journal or affirmational wall art, you can always visit my shop; however if you're a professional psychotherapist, personal development coach, trainer, yoga teacher or simply have an idea for a printable worksheet set, send me a message. My extensive design background of over 15 years in the field may offer:
- Print Design services for coaches and therapists, for example - printed materials for self-development workshops and seminars, yoga retreats
- Publishing Design for books, magazines for psychology and wrritten materials for your professional services as a therapist, councelor or coach
- Full-Scale Website Design services with a professional developer and hosting services for your website as a personal coach, relationship and family coach, psychotherapist, marriage councelor, yoga and wellness instructor etc.
- Branding Design services for your personal brand
- Packaging Design
- Social Media Design
In addition, I'm open to collabs too, so feel free to write me here or on Casually Luxe's Instagram page.
A Bit More about Casually Luxe
How I Started Making Printable Worksheets & Self-Therapy Tools for Anxiety Relief
It almost started out as a divine gift. Back in 2020 in the middle of a lockdown, I was in need of serious therapeutic help to stay sharp and focused. During that time it seemed like the world was going upside down, so I rediscovered my love for journaling techniques for mental health and positivity.
My Abraham Hicks Journals – The Beginning
One particular mental health journal that really helped and was available online became the cornerstone of my first mental health worksheet pages, the 7 Days of Positive Thoughts, inspired by the Abraham Hicks journal pages. I got into writing and journaling every day, as well as doing the 20-minute meditations. However soon I realized the Abraham Hicks journal I was using at the time needed simplification and more accessible concepts, but also, crucially, greater design.
Eventually I put together my own version of the Abraham Hicks workbook, printed it in A4 and cut it in half to make a compact A5 version, and started using it.
Positive Effects of Mental Health Journaling Practices
I immediately noticed the positive effects on my workdays and the lessened anxiety during my weekends when I had less to do. The Abraham Hicks journal techniques for listing positive things were especially useful. Now I know that one of the best practices in positive psychology exercises is being grateful for what you have.
At first it is not so easy to do so and it takes time to practice, so that’s where the so called Gratitude Journals come in hand. To be grateful is essentially to have a mindset of finding the good in life and a habit of not focusing on the negative.
Printable Journal Pages for Self Therapy: The Benefits
In essence, consciously thinking about things to be grateful for is a habit and a chore and we can cultivate it through journaling with workbooks for mental health and self therapy. It is a matter of training your focus – and once a habit, we can focus on building our lives the way we want to, with less anxiety and self-doubt.
Printable Wall Art for Self-Therapy and Meditation
After designing the initial printable workbooks and worksheets I got into the idea of self-therapy through art, particularly through affirmational posters. Affirmations are easier to comprehend when you’re hanging the poster in your meditation room or looking at it the print on the wall above your bed. Of course working with affirmations can be overdone (a lot can be said about that), but I did my best to create one of the best printable affirmation art with Abraham quotes.
Where is Casually Luxe Going Now
Over the last two years my Etsy shop for printable journal pages for self therapy and inspirational prints has grown to include a variety of items intended for the soul and mental well-being. I now offer physical posters for self-therapy, Abraham Hicks prints with “Things Are Always Working Out for Me”, Abraham Hicks mugs, Abraham Hicks gifts and a variety of other items.
Even though I still create Abraham Hicks workbooks, I have a growing interest in other methodologies and plan on creating other printable journal pages for self therapy that work for other scenarios and are non-LOA. An example is my latest It Didn’t Start With You printable journal worksheets for self therapy inspired by the hottest trauma therapy ideas out there.